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Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2013

History in the making - Room 11 contemporary remodeling

What's new!

Spring has sprung and this is an excellent season for refreshing our property; the approach was - small area remodeling. 

Although we are always looking after our customer desire and comfort, it might not be for everyone.

So, this spring we worked hard and definitely achieved the final product to our likings. 
We so hope that everyone will enjoy the room remodeled style and our choice of new contemporary furnishing.

The description of the remodeled room in my own words will be: simple, create more homey atmosphere, make it looks more spacious, airy,... attractive and best, quiet and secluded!

Room 11 - corner view
With hard work and more time spend then we wished, room 11 is ready to rent.

Here is an array of pictures for the renovation in the making...

Room 11 Remodeling in The Making Slideshow: Carolina’s pics in Spring Green was created with TripAdvisor TripWow!

When do you plan to stay with us?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What to Expect - Part II


Fun time, trip planning, exploring Wisconsin River, history and architecture - Taliesin, American Players Theater, natural settings - State parks and nature preserves, caves and more... arts, rural life, cultural odds...

These will be just a few reasons we can have you travel in our region, oh... that driftless Wisconsin!

Although we are having several events during the summer you can check with us and find out more on our Blog; we really offer Special rates and more incentives online and have them listed everywhere.

Welcome to The Usonian Inn, welcome to Spring Green!

Where to look for our GREAT OFFERS/savings!

It is hard to be on the phone and start talking about our list of offers. It might give me a dry mouth quickly, that's why we have our offers listed online; they will be mostly in our BLOG, Facebook, and several link or even the Blog posts.
  • we try to list some offers in each post if possible  
  • check our blog page on the right column for links to more saving
  • see our rewards (red tab on the blog page - top right side)

  • see what we list on Facebook, go to our business page and look for the Red tabs/REWARDS 

  • Please Like us and we love to reward you back!

Get to know what's going in our community and what else can interest you, and what can you to do when in the area
  • We also list here on Merchantcircle, offers, newsletter, see review, some pictures..

S A V I N G S   C O N T I N U E S . . .
more FREE giveaways

What to do when in the area that will not cost you money - TIPS!
  • Walking - there is just a short distance to walk to our Spring Green's own  Nature Preserve
       (see more info on Spring Green Chamber of Commerce web pages or their facebook page
  • bike our trails along Wisconsin River and the River Valley Area, see maps
  • Bird watching is another fun activity you can do here, and if you know of any club - get involved and learn what Wisconsin offer best.
  • First Friday After Five  --The First Friday of the Month in Spring Green brings some little special treats, wine sampling, featured artist, music, or special sales when you visit our shops.  Open until 8 pm.  Stop in and enjoy shopping in Spring Green!
  • got here mid week? got the blues? enjoy a session at the Sh*tty Barn!  - live music and locally brewed beer!
    small fees apply
  • you can always enjoy our Village pool and tennis courts that are a walking distance from our motel 
  • canoeing this summer, check out rental places in Helena - 1/2 mile East of Spring Green - at Trader's Bar and Grill and Canoe rentals
  • also try Wisconsin Canoe Company

Come back and read more!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Do you Have people....

I've worked on different institutions in the past, holding different jobs, however, I am experiencing a new trend here at the motel business; customers I see for the first time or even saw just a year ago, come by the office to give me a hug.

Do you have people give you hugs at your job, or at your business?

I have people come to me and they say: "oh, Carolina, you did such a great job to this place, let me hug you; I hope you don't mind I will take pictures of such and such..."
Or just stop in the lobby before departing and give me a hug!....

...from kids, teens to middle age to older ladies,...they come to the office and give me HUGS....

I must be doing something wright, I would say.

Whatever business you are in - the question is : DO YOU HAVE PEOPLE GIVE YOU HUGS?....

This season happened more then ever.....I am glad to know people are leaving this place - HAPPY!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Green enhancement!

I am working on Travel Green Wisconsin application and that will provide you easier ways to find more information about our property!

I am looking forward to have the account activated with them within the next couple of weeks!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

All in ONE Week

The good the bad and what lesson can you learn!?

It is happened that customers always will post their opinion, experience, rather their expectations from places they stay, (lodging), visited, shopped at and so on....

I am not aware of any network those in the hosting industry have a place to express their experience with customers; and what is it OK to say OR not to say.

However, I am taking the time to post this weeks' experience with customers from both extremes; life is challenging and some time is tough, you can run short of help, then some emergency can take place, and you have to close the office.

  • The best customers of the week: It was this couple I have stay by us one night and you can tell by their action that they were very considerate to the property and treated the business with lots of respect; deciding to use the second bed to place a luggage on, the gentleman came in the office and asked for an old towel he will be able to put on the bed before having the luggage on; "wow", ... I thought his gesture was very considerate of them, to show that much respect for the goods in the room and the property as a whole, and to participate in preserving the business integrity.
  • After all they told me they will be out for breakfast and will come back to drop the key and check out. An unfortunate event took place and I had to leave office and close for an hour; ( a note was left on the door of me being absent from the reception desk) they came back and after all they still left a considerable tip for housekeeping. This was the "Wow" number 2.

******************** It was that you do your best to make customers happy at all time and not to consider to filter them in any odd way. It is then they come to the desk to check out and they will bring a long list of negative things to mention and, don't they always have the best suggestions for you!!!
Oh boy!
I am patiently listening, considering what they say and give it a thought to apply changes or implement improvements as necessary or as time and money will allow.
I make a point of thanking people for
acknowledging their concern, suggestion or constructive input.
OK, Iam open minded, and that was all good so far! *********************************

  • The worst customer of the week: A younger couple checks in and it looks like it's all OK, they buy a bottle of wine and go on with they evening. Next morning, they dropped the key and after a brief conversation they took of; going in the room to clean was another story!
  • For the first time since I am running the hotel business, someone decided to be very upfront in expressing their believes or disbelieve as if anyone asked them anything about that;
  • It was very insulting to the business, to me personally and VERY Disrespectful to the entire establishment, to go in that room and find the Holly Bible (the physical book) laying in the trash can next to the bed, and in addition a small print I usually have in the night stand drawer.
  • I have news for you "my friend" God is watching your every step, and if this is what you decide to practice every place you go, SHAME ON YOU!
  • Nobody asked you to convert to any religion and share or express your convictions, no one brought up any sensitive religious subject to discuss with you in particular, and if you are mad at the whole world, that is not any of my problems.... if you don't want to see The Book - DO NOT open drawers. If you don't believe in anything, that's not what I am worried about.
  • No one should Disrespect and insult my business practice, and trash the integrity of our establishment with this type of attitude and think they can walk away smiling - that will NOT LAST, my friend!
This post is informational and expresses my pure dissatisfaction with people that walk on this earth with no integrity!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What's hot in Spring Green

If you plan on having a night well spent at our establishment, consider to purchase one of our special wines we feature in the lobby!

When girlfriends meet, - they shop and dine and then have a little more wine; coming to Spring Green, lately is more special - you should know there are more things happening HERE; There is shopping and there is fine shopping; special late Fridays events (just the 1st Friday of the month) for now; you can enjoy a special shopping tour with wine tasting and after 8PM (after dinner) at open floor restaurants hours. Take a tour of the village for shopping at art galleries, our specialty stores and enjoy some live music along the way into the night!

Girlfriends meet and drink more!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Earth day - the beginning and today's

"This year’s Earth Day is the 40th one; the first one was held April 22, 1970.

Participation in an event like Earth Day in a visible way is important—even if it is what you are doing behind the scenes that has the greatest positive impact on the environment.

We show our guests and our staff that we care and it certainly is a great marketing opportunity.

There is no need to get wrapped up in debates about global warming; Earth Day is about taking care of your own plot of land, being a good neighbor in your community, and being a good steward of the planet.

Be sure to make every day Earth Day at your property."


Monday, April 6, 2009

Today's interesting Quotes

I run into this quote today and I thought it was interesting!

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."
--St. Augustine, philosopher and theologian

"Just living is not enough. ... One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."
--Hans Christian Andersen, Danish author and poet

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Travel - renovation and a competitive advantage!

Interior makeovers give historic buildings new life as hotels

Historic buildings that evoke the elegance of a past era are finding new lives as modern, instantly iconic hotels.

One benefit of the reuse, recycle mindset that has developers creating fabulous new properties in the shells of once-grand buildings is that elegance and glamour are returning to interior design.

This is just an informative article for our customers.


The development of capital replacement budgets and the setting aside of reserves for replacement are long term strategies that keep a property fresh and competitive in the marketplace. If an organization has reserves for replacement set aside, now may be a good time to implement needed renovations which will allow the property to emerge stronger when the economy improves.

The accelerated price of energy earlier this year suggests that renovations related to energy efficient technology would yield future returns. If the property is experiencing reduced occupancy, renovation disruptions will be minimized relative to the guest experience. So, I think we did very well for the past year!

A native of Germany, he says this is a European sensibility. "In America you think, 'It's bigger, it's better,' but many places in Europe you didn't have the space, so you made very small jewels."

This is exactly how we think about our property as a "JEWEL" - that is!

Renovation, staying in business in tough times and meeting the "GREEN" guidelines


and just another 'Green" fun link!
