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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Escape Destination of the week: Spring Green, Wisconsin!

Make it a special getaway week, grab a friend, and go!

Grab to phone, share, tweet, email or JUST call in and use the coupon for yourself.

Find our best offers on FANMINDER

Follow us on Twitter - look for last minute offers here

Like us on Facebook - find more offers here

July's Offer

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What to Expect - Part II


Fun time, trip planning, exploring Wisconsin River, history and architecture - Taliesin, American Players Theater, natural settings - State parks and nature preserves, caves and more... arts, rural life, cultural odds...

These will be just a few reasons we can have you travel in our region, oh... that driftless Wisconsin!

Although we are having several events during the summer you can check with us and find out more on our Blog; we really offer Special rates and more incentives online and have them listed everywhere.

Welcome to The Usonian Inn, welcome to Spring Green!

Where to look for our GREAT OFFERS/savings!

It is hard to be on the phone and start talking about our list of offers. It might give me a dry mouth quickly, that's why we have our offers listed online; they will be mostly in our BLOG, Facebook, and several link or even the Blog posts.
  • we try to list some offers in each post if possible  
  • check our blog page on the right column for links to more saving
  • see our rewards (red tab on the blog page - top right side)

  • see what we list on Facebook, go to our business page and look for the Red tabs/REWARDS 

  • Please Like us and we love to reward you back!

Get to know what's going in our community and what else can interest you, and what can you to do when in the area
  • We also list here on Merchantcircle, offers, newsletter, see review, some pictures..

S A V I N G S   C O N T I N U E S . . .
more FREE giveaways

What to do when in the area that will not cost you money - TIPS!
  • Walking - there is just a short distance to walk to our Spring Green's own  Nature Preserve
       (see more info on Spring Green Chamber of Commerce web pages or their facebook page
  • bike our trails along Wisconsin River and the River Valley Area, see maps
  • Bird watching is another fun activity you can do here, and if you know of any club - get involved and learn what Wisconsin offer best.
  • First Friday After Five  --The First Friday of the Month in Spring Green brings some little special treats, wine sampling, featured artist, music, or special sales when you visit our shops.  Open until 8 pm.  Stop in and enjoy shopping in Spring Green!
  • got here mid week? got the blues? enjoy a session at the Sh*tty Barn!  - live music and locally brewed beer!
    small fees apply
  • you can always enjoy our Village pool and tennis courts that are a walking distance from our motel 
  • canoeing this summer, check out rental places in Helena - 1/2 mile East of Spring Green - at Trader's Bar and Grill and Canoe rentals
  • also try Wisconsin Canoe Company

Come back and read more!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

On Your Side - Travelers Safety Tips

Staying safe in you trip is important and more important is your return home as you left, well and alive.

Once you reached your destination make sure to know the lodge personnel, set up (what's near) the lay out of the property as well - if it's an outside corridor or an inside one and who well lit the parking lot is at night.
  • Don't answer the door in a hotel or motel room without verifying who is it. If a person claims to be an employee, call the front desk and tell them that (if) you didn't request any service and someone is standing by your door. 
  • When returning to your hotel or motel late in the evening, use the main entrance of the building; be observant and look around even before entering the parking lots
  • Close the door securely whenever you are in your room and use all of the locking devices provided
  • Don't needlessly display guest room keys in public or carelessly leave them on restaurant tables, at the swimming pool or other places you shop, where they can be easily stolen
  • Do not draw attention to yourself by displaying large amounts of cash or expensive jewelry
  • Don't invite strangers to your room
  • Don't leave valuables in your vehicle
  • Place all valuables in the hotel or motel's safe deposit box - do not write down and carry with you the code for that box
  • Check for any sliding doors or window or any connecting room doors to be locked
  • If you travel with friends staying at the same place and you go out together, be aware of their behavior regarding all these tips
  • If you see any suspicious activity, please report your observation to the management or, if that can not wait report immediately to the front desk personnel on duty
 You should prepare for the worst-case scenario. What is that could go wrong, have the awareness. 

Sometimes even the landscape around the building can play a role on neglecting the safety or rather emphasize it!
You worked so hard for a long time and planning a vacation is an exciting event; you are all packed and ready to go, it is wise to it is wise to be informed and do some homework before your arrival at the hotel.  ( )