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Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Celebrating our 4th Season in Business!

It's been a trial time and a fun time, with challenges to face, we stayed focused on our goals and made it so far!

Sometimes it's hard to look back to remember the mess, the hectic schedule and all other factors that we had to deal with; what counts is the result!

A successful story!

Find us on Facebook and read more!

 ***** ***** *****

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Innovation in tought times

How it helps when you keep your networking live and building it continually.

I don’t know too many small business owners hanging around looking for bailouts. The bailout of choice for the small business owner is innovation and determination.

ONE great step we took in the last year was Renovations:
The development of capital replacement budgets and the setting aside of reserves for replacement are long term strategies that keep a property fresh and competitive in the marketplace.
If an organization has reserves for replacement set aside, now may be a good time to implement needed renovations which will allow the property to emerge stronger when the economy improves.

The accelerated price of energy earlier this year suggests that renovations related to energy efficient technology would yield future returns. If the property is experiencing reduced occupancy, renovation disruptions will be minimized relative to the guest experience.

I am listing this link here in this posting to bring it to live that we, the small businesses are trying so many ways to be innovative and make our businesses going and more attractive in this economic downturn!

Innovation in tough times

developing oneself
