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Showing posts with label modern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label modern. Show all posts

Sunday, May 24, 2015


It's May, a celebratory month for so many reasons!

We have our own reason to celebrate - it's the month the motel was ready for operation, well, this was way back... in 1952. Although the project started in 1948, it came to completion in May 1952.

Sixty three years in the making and we are loving to be part of this great transformation.

Every year we've been involved in a project around the property, this year it was more like 4 different area we worked on: 
  • the house bathroom - made it a master 4piece bathroom, 
  • the lobby - reception area got a make over for flooring and wall finishes, 
  • then another room, #5 became the cozy, contemporary, welcoming king bed for the modern days 
  • and a 4piece bathroom as well.
It seems like I was quite preoccupied for the last couple of months to say the least!

Pictures from the lobby!

Here are some pictures from the king size bed #5

and here are some pictures from the 4piece bathroom

THE END! (at least for now)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Classic, comfortable, quiet

PHASE I - Designer make over!

After all, we wanted to make some upgrades to better the property and to better service our patrons.

With that in mind, we had to sit down and set: Goals, steps to follow, then implement them.
As I call it Phase I, the bathroom area was the 1st to be redone, and when we looked at the project we decided then "EVERYTHING MUST GO!" It was not worth to replace just some of the "things" - it was rather everything.
So, the entire bathroom was redesigned and new fixtures ordered, found the contractor to commit to the project and we were ready to roll.
The possibility of finishing the project before summer was slim, we went on to take care of the East Wing first. Six rooms were ready for my busy season. That was a great relief!

I went beyond awareness and show people how to get involved. People want to know how they can participate to help your efforts in helping the environment. I showed them how my
hotel progressively got greener.

We printed and place out New Green Policy in our Guests Service Book, that is in each room. I talk about my environmental commitment publicly and often to the consumers who value it the most, and other that are not yet decided to commit to sustainability.

During the season, as I had people from all over the World, some Australians shared we us their experience, how advanced they country is in becoming "GREEN" and they like to see that in other places like the USA.

Over all, the input is great and people feel treated special at our property.
or destination is getting involved, and what they can do to get involved, and how their participation or stay makes a difference.

From the desk of Carolina Dursina's,

Best wishes for a wonderful Holiday Season!