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Showing posts with label spending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spending. Show all posts

Friday, December 25, 2009

Info on Credit card transactions, reservations and more

As we have information passed on to us, merchants, I would like to share some helpful tips with our customers, you need to be aware of!

By authorizing your credit card for any reservations with us you are having the dollar amount on hold for a certain period of time. Precisely  - Visa and Master Card will hold the amount up to 7 days and Discover - up to 30 days.
This is no a charge on your card, it might appear as a charge on your bank statement if the card you use was a debit or an on hold transaction with your Credit Card for that dollar amount.

By the time you check in with us, your transaction might still show as of an "on hold" transaction, however the only time we charge your card is when you check in unless we discuss otherwhise.

So, in order to comply with that, what will be for us "Avoiding Unnecessary Additional Fees" we will follow procedures we are instructed; what is expected of us is:
  • 1. to have the card authorized prior to charging it, and charge the sale on the same card - otherwise we are charged with "Misuse of Authorization" fees by Visa.
  • 2. to charge the card and do it within the allotted time frame - otherwise if the  authorization was not obtained prior to the  charges occurrence, Visa calls this a "Zero Floor Limit" fee and that (the fee) is passed on to us, the merchants.
On the other  hand, we are offering a discount to those who are paying cash; however, that doesn't eliminate us having to ask for a credit card information we will have on file.

Happy traveling and spending in 2010!
