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Friday, April 30, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The TV challenge continues

It is the first time we purchased TVs for the hotel (and I hope the last) as a commercial grade, and now we are finally  - yeah, finally after 5 days getting the piece of info we should've had from the beginning;

When boxes arrived, it looked like they were original sealed and we were expecting to just plug them in, hook them with the HD DirecTV receiver and the set up would be a piece of cake as well;  not so fast!

In other words, we tried to set up programing and all that but we didn't have the "green remote" as they call it, all boxes came with "guest remote" that will not serve us with what we needed to get all this started....and finished

Just wasted 5 days trying to figure out what's wrong and no one told us before what we really need;  WOW - someone decided to overnight the "green remote" to  the business.

We really had to finish this project "by yesterday!" because the drapes project still will have to be finished.

Why the TV took priority? They all sit in a room know that I will be needing this weekend, otherwise I will have to move someone from a room to the other for her 2 night stay and that is not FUN!

So, tomorrow we are on a marathon to finish up installing all TV in all rooms and setting the programing up!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The process of getting the HD TV flat panel

We usually shop around for a while to get the best product and the best price!....
Simply put, we are not lowering our standards on furnishing our place with non quality products.

Once we reached our decision on what the product will be, it was easy to place the order and wait for the delivery time.

OK, just to let you know what to expect, these are our new TV  - Full resolution HD,  flat panel;

We are certain this will enhance your viewing experience and we are trilled to have you come back!

As of previously stated Room 5 sill remain the "Historic Room" and the TV servicing in that room is not being upgraded with a new unit; also to give you a full picture of this room be informed that the bathroom has not been remodeled.

 More to come!

Monday, April 12, 2010

FAST CHECK IN Process - Save time when checking in with us

Thinking of your time, we realized that we can help you saving some when reserving your room on line.
In a hurry? need to catch a play? rushing between plays to check in to your room?
Got to make it to your dinner reservation?

We are pleased to announce a very new way of saving time with the check in process.

Introducing "Fast Check in" form now available with on line reservation!
Grab a copy of your e-mail confirmation you receive from us and sing it when you check in; the best way to make it in "FAST" will be to let us know you want to participate and we can authorize your credit card before you come in and all you need to do is present your credit card and sign your sleep with us!

On the bottom page of you reservation confirmation, you will see this 

We'll use this form when you check in
(if you want a "fast check-in" fill in form, print and sing on your arrival)
Vehicle Make -Model & Year -License Plate-License State
Customer Signature/Date

Use it to get in FAST!